Are you making yourself SMALL? Knock it off NOW.

Are you making yourself small? Knock it off. NOW. It is a wonderful thing to be able to look at yourself and have a good laugh. Just don’t do it professionally. Sadly, self-deprecation screams that you are a) insecure and/or b) not up to the job. We often do it because we are insecure, but just it is often done as a way of “proving” that you aren’t arrogant or too big for your britches. Subconsciously, you are making yourself seem just a bit more human, but it is actually making you smaller and less effective. This gets all tangled […]

Premium Annual Registration

Save with Premium Annual Membership Registration It’s time to stop dreaming and start doing. Here is the support, direction and accountability you need to get what you want. Dive in. Seriously DIVE IN. What on earth are you waiting for? Are you serious about fast-tracking your career AND having a life? This is where you will find the direction, strategies and liberation to charge ahead on your terms. If you want to know how to ratchet up your career to a much faster track? We’ll help you get where you want to go. If you want to know how to […]

Some Hard Won Wisdom as we Start Our Podcast

The self-help world is filled with b.s. artists, so imagine how shocked I was to wind up working in that very industry – a skeptical lifelong investigative reporter who can’t stand fakes. But, here’s the thing: I wound up in the self-help industry because I needed help as a woman leader in a male-dominated environment: newspapers.  I had a bad bosshole as an editor who had issues with strong women and talented people and I needed to know how to find and use my power. So I started interviewing great, trailblazing women to find out what they learned the hard […]