Imagine how truly great you will be once you zap your negative thoughts

On the outside, you’re killing it. But even some of the smartest, most successful women have moments when they wonder if they are impostors, feel guilty about the demands on their time, or start the day on a down note because they feel fat or old or whatever. Self-talk makes or breaks you. You know that, but you still have those times when you silently beat yourself up. We all do. The brain believes what it is told. If you tell it that you are powerful, inspiring, courageous, and successful, that’s what you’ll be. But when you let that negative voice call you a fraud, berate you for what’s going wrong, or insult you for your looks or weight, what you get is a weaker version of yourself. Negative self-talk stands between you and your highest potential. It keeps you from being your happiest self. The good news is that we can easily replace our negative thoughts through the use of positive affirmations. Science proves this. The more you repeat affirmations to yourself, the more your subconscious begins to believe, embrace, and incorporate them into your thoughts and behavior. The more you think or speak these positive thoughts, the more you will believe them. This booklet will give you 30 affirmations to choose from to help you to deal with career, family, or personal issues.

9 easy steps to completely change your life.

Pick 10 affirmations, then start repeating

  • I am grateful for the possibility every day has to offer.
  • I am grateful for every chance to stretch, dare and create more success for myself and those around me.
  • My courage manifests breakthrough results.
  • I expect obstacles and know there is no cause for a crisis of confidence. Ever.
  • I deserve my success and belong securely at the top.
  • I have earned the respect of others.
  • I am a great visionary.
  • I am a dynamic, inspiring leader who brings out the best in others.
  • I am secure in my success and enjoy every minute.
  • I have learned not to take everything personally. It is business.
  • I always let go of my “failures” and hold onto their lessons.
  • I always land on my feet. I’m a winner.
  • I put people first. If I take care of them, they’ll take care of me.
  • My energy and passion inspire others around me.
  • I gain power when I share power.
  • I only stress over what I can control.
  • I keep my word.
  • I constantly praise and compliment others.
  • I delegate with ease.
  • This may be a challenging time, but I can handle this and more.
  • I always encourage others to go for more, and I support their efforts to rise up.
  • I always make time for myself.
  • I consciously make time for the people and activities I value most.
  • I am guilt-free about the many demands on my time.
  • I make decisions that honor my values and priorities.
  • A healthy body is a perfect body. I love my body and project confidence about it.
  • I take guilt-free time-outs when necessary.
  • I am happy because I keep everything in perspective. Work is work, and life is much bigger.
  • I speak with confidence and certainty.
  • I am courageous and unrelenting.
  • I never give up.
  • I am fearless.

What? You can write your own affirmations?

First things first:
  1. You have to be motivated enough to affirm yourself.
  2. And you have to do it, even when you don’t feel like it.

            Sometimes, it’s not so easy. Seriously, repeating ten affirmations five times a day will take you, what, maybe two or three minutes total? But when you are depressed and need self-affirming statements the most, finding the energy to spend those few minutes can be a real challenge.

            The tapes inside your head are powerful. If you repeat a negative remark enough times, it will load itself onto the permanent memory on your personal internal hard drive. Even when you repeat affirmations with great frequency, the old, negative tapes are ready to play themselves again as soon as you stop saying your affirmations. But, you have great control over the tapes and possess the ability to keep rewriting over the bad ones, recording positive, constructive and productive affirmations that your psyche will absorb and use if you repeat them often enough.

 Affirmations must be positive to work.

      You don’t say, “I no longer like to eat junk food.” You say, “I love healthy food.” Instead of saying, “I no longer feel bad about my divorce,” you say, “I feel good about my divorce because it freed me to enjoy a wonderful new independent life.” Don’t say, “I don’t speed when I am driving.” Say, “I observe the speed limit when I’m driving.” Don’t say, “I don’t hate my job anymore.” Say, “I find new reasons to love my job every day.”

The subconscious works much better with positive information.

But, you have to repeat it, and sometimes, that is the tough part. When you are feeling down, it can be very hard to get yourself into the mindset to spend a few minutes repeating positive affirmations. But, they work! So, how do you get yourself to affirm yourself when you don’t feel like it?

Just make up your mind that it is time to start feeling better. You want an easier way to live? You can have it, and now is the time to start.

The Measure of a Winner Comes from Within

Sometimes, you just need to lighten up on yourself. Often, the baggage you carry is heavy because you’ve packed it heavy.

You know negative people who complain about what is wrong, what they haven’t succeeded at, what other people have, that nothing works. Sometimes these people try so hard to change things, but with all of that negativity around them, it doesn’t happen. How can it?

If that is you, step out of that zone and start to look at who you are as a human being. If you are a good person, a true friend, an independent thinker, or a good partner or daughter, then you have achieved much that can’t be measured in finances or professional accomplishments. So it is time to stop feeling inadequate. Instead of fixating on what hasn’t worked or who hasn’t appreciated you, realize what you have done with your life. If you are loved by others, you are rich. If you are treasured as a true friend, you are a gift. If you have been a good person who has helped others, you have mattered far more than someone who’s only scored career wins. 

It is time to rewrite the story you are telling yourself so you can be fulfilled and happy. You deserve your success. You don’t have to apologize for having a home life. You don’t need permission to do what matters to you. You have so much power. Affirmations help you recognize it.

This powerful affirmation script was written for someone who had been unemployed for more than a year:  “I have the best family  – and I am loved. I have a safe home,  good, true friends who appreciate and love me, and I have my relationship with God, which means everything to me. I have the brainpower to do big things and I am continuing in my job search with full confidence because I know things will work out. My self-esteem is strong because I am successful in every area that truly matters in life. .”

“I am energized in my job search because the right job will come my way as long as I keep trying. Whenever I feel overwhelmed, I let go and let God help me.  Other people see the good in me. I see the good in myself and I celebrate it. All of my thoughts are positive. I believe wholeheartedly in myself.”

Did it help?  Of course it did! When you start building yourself up, you attract positive energy and that leads to positive results. So, what is your new script going to say?